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The carry on a leaned pascaline

The following movie demonstrates that the carry operation is not affected on a pascaline replica leaned with a 6 degrees angle.

The video recorder is positioned facing the leaned pascaline. On the bottom part of the screen, the incline of the level of water in the glass shows the slope of the calculator.
The the upper part shows the vision of the display windows given by a mirror (then inverted). The two left windows let see "99".

The input of a digit on the third wheel triggers a carry on the first "9" which by turns causes a carry on the next wheel. At the end, the two left display windows show "00". In conclusion, the carry works well on a pascaline replica. As we can see with the glass of water, it is obvious that the calculator is far of beeing on an horizontal plane, this constatation can be done without the help of the glass, at the time of Blaise Pascal also in the 17th century.